Monday, June 29, 2015

008 Kalam part 6

And there is 3 type of فعل . As shown in above diagram.

And for every type of verb the are 2 kinds of structure. The first type of structure is called الجَامِد which means fixed. The second type of structure is called المُتَصَرِّف

قال شيجنا أبو سليمان: تُقْسَمُ الفِعْلُ إلى جَامِدِ ومُتَصَرِّفِ
My teacher Abu Sulaiman said that: الفعل is divided to الجامد and المتصرف

فعل الجامد مثلا : نِعْمَ , بِئْسَ , عَسَى , لَيْسَ 
The example of الجامد ( stated above). 

فعل المتصرف مثلا : ضَرَبَ يَضْرِبُ ضَرْباً
The example of المتصرف ( stated above)

end quote

The meaning of جامد is that the verb only available in one form. If it available in الماض for example, it only available in الماض and can't be found in المضارع and الأمر and you can't derive a المَصْدَر ( verbal noun or gerund ) from it

الماض : Is known with 

1. تاء التأنيث الساكنة for example
قَامَتْ = she stood up
قَعَدَتْ = she sat

2. these فعل جامد 
نِعْمَ = the best of
نِعْمَ الصديقُ الكتابُ = The best of friend is the book

بِئْسَ = the worst of
بئس الخُلُقُ الخِيَانَةُ = The worst of characteristic is betrayal

لَيْسَ = not
ليس النَجَاحُ سَهْلاُ = The success is not easy

عَسَى = may
عسى رَبُّكم يَرْحَمَكم = May your lord be please with you

To be continue إن شاء الله

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