Thursday, July 2, 2015

010 Kalaam part 8

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وآله وصحبه أجمعين أما بعد

بارك الله لي ولشيخنا أبو سليمان ولكم. زادنا الله علما 
May Allah bless me and my teacher Abu Sulaiman and all of you. May Allah increase our knowledge

And أَمْر ( The command verb ) is known:-

1. with it sign upon the command or request

One of the common sign for أمر is the end of the verb is a الساكنة. Take note that أمر is use when we are talking or commanding or requesting to a 2nd person . For example:-

قُمْ ( stand up/ please stand up ) from the verb يَقُوْمُ ( he stands)
اِضْرِبْ ( hit/ hit it ) from the verb يَضْرِبُ ( he hits )
اِجْلِسْ ( seat/ have a seat) from the verb يَجْلِسُ ( he sits )

2. and the end of it is يَاء المُخَاطَبَة . This letter ي and the end of الأمر is to signify that the command are meant for a feminine person

ْقال زيد إلى ابنه: قُم
Zaid said to his son: Stand up

قال زيد إلى بنته: قُوْمِيْ
Zaid said to his daughter: Stand up

قالت فاطمة إلى زيد: اِضْرِبْ الحَيَّةَ
Fatimah said to Zaid: Hit the snake

قالت فاطمة إلى عائشة: اِضْرِبِيْ الحيَّة
Fatimah said to Aishah: Hit the snake

Take note that even though الأمر for feminine ends with ي, but the ي  is still a الساكنة . Thus the point number 1 above still apply here.

3. And there is also جَامِد form of الأمر for example

هَاتِ = give me
هَاتِ رَقْمَكَ
Give me your number

َتَعَال = come here
تَعَالَ يا بُنَيَّ 
come here oh my beloved son

Take note that this form is an exception form point number 1. The end of the verb is not الساكنة 

الحَرْفُ : What is not suitable with the sign of الاسم and the sign of الفعل  like ْلَمْ , فِي and هَلْ  . In other words, if a word  is not an اسم nor  a فعل, it will be from the group of حرف

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