بسم الله الرحمن الرحين. الحمد لله والصلاة السلام على رسول الله أما بعد:
بارك الله لي و لشيخنا أبي سليمان ولكم في هذا الدرس
Chapter of ُالإِعْرَاب ( The declension ) and ُالبِنَاء ( The construction )
الإعراب is the change of diacritical marks at the end of the word which is due to multiple type of agents which could be acted upon the word. The change could be a literal or implied
And it is divided into four moods or states:
1. رَفْعٌ = to have ضُمَّة at the end of word or in the place of ضُمَّة for example:
زَيْدٌ و مُوْسَى مِنْ مِالزينا . Zaid and Moosa are from Malaysia. Both زيد and موسى are رفع but we can only see the ضمة at the end of زيد. Because we can clearly see the ضمة at the end of زيد then this is a literal رفع. On the other hand, by the rules we know that موسى is رفع but we can't see the ضمة. Then this is a implied رفع
2. نَصْبٌ = to have فَتْحَة at the end of word or in the place of فتحة for example:
إنِّ زَيْداً وموسى من مالزينا. Verily Zaid and Moosa are from Malaysia. إنِّ is an agent of نصب so what ever comes after it will be نصب. Again, we only see the فتحة at زيد ( literal نصب ) and not at موسى ( implied نصب )
3. خَفْضٌ = to have كَسْرَة at the end of the word of in the place of كسرة for example
هذا لزَيْدٍ وذلك لمُوْسَى . This is for Zaid and that is for Moosa. The letter ل is an agent of خفض so what ever comes after it will be خفض Again, we only see the كَسْرَة at زيد ( literal خفض ) and not at موسى ( implied خفض )
4. جَزْمٌ = to have سُكُوْن at the end of the word. for example
يَضْرِبُ = he hit
لَمْ يَضْرِبْ = he did not hit . لم act as an agent of جزم
All اسم can be in the state of خفض , نصب , رفع but not جزم
All فعل can be in the state of جزم , نصب, رفع but not خفض
To be continue إن شاء الله
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