Friday, July 10, 2015

012 Bina Part 1

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد المصطفى أما بعد:

بارك الله لي ولشيخنا ولكم 

البِنَاء ( The construction ) : is the necessity for the end of the word to received a diacritical marks or no marks a.k.a السكون 

So there 4 parts of البناء and they are : سُكُوْنٌ , كَسْرٌ , فَتْحٌ , ضَمٌّ

الاسم is divided into 2:

1. مُعَرَّبٌ . The majority of the اسم belongs to this category. It is a word with the ability to change it's end diacritical marks due to some agent which enter upon him. This change could be a:-

Literal changes like ( ٍزَيْد and ٍعَمْرُو )

زَيْدٌ مسلم
Zaid is a muslim

إنَّ زَيْداً مسلم
Verily Zaid is a muslim

الكتاب لزَيْدٍ
The book is for Zaid

Implied changes like ( مُوْسَى and الفَتَى )

الفَتَى مسلم
The youth is a muslim

إنِّ الفَتَى مسلم
In deed the youth is a muslim

الكتاب لِلْفَىَ
The book is for the youth

To be continue إن شاء الله

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

011 I'rab

بسم الله الرحمن الرحين. الحمد لله والصلاة السلام على رسول الله أما بعد:

بارك الله لي و لشيخنا أبي سليمان ولكم في هذا الدرس

Chapter of ُالإِعْرَاب ( The declension ) and ُالبِنَاء ( The construction )

الإعراب is the change of diacritical marks at the end of the word which is due to multiple type of agents which could be acted upon the word. The change could be a literal or implied 

And it is divided into four moods or states: 
1. رَفْعٌ = to have ضُمَّة at the end of word or in the place of  ضُمَّة for example:

زَيْدٌ و مُوْسَى مِنْ مِالزينا . Zaid and Moosa are from Malaysia. Both زيد and موسى are رفع but we can only see the ضمة at  the end of زيد. Because we can clearly see the ضمة at the end of زيد then this is a literal رفع. On the other hand, by the rules we know that موسى is رفع but we can't see the ضمة. Then this is a implied رفع

2. نَصْبٌ = to have فَتْحَة at the end of word or in the place of فتحة for example:

إنِّ زَيْداً وموسى من مالزينا. Verily Zaid and Moosa are from Malaysia. إنِّ is an agent of نصب so what ever comes after it will be نصب. Again, we only see the فتحة at زيد ( literal نصب ) and not at موسى ( implied  نصب )

3. خَفْضٌ = to have كَسْرَة at the end of the word of in the place of كسرة for example

هذا لزَيْدٍ وذلك لمُوْسَى . This is for Zaid and that is for Moosa. The letter ل is an agent of خفض so what ever comes after it will be خفض Again, we only see the كَسْرَة at زيد ( literal خفض ) and not at موسى ( implied  خفض )

4. جَزْمٌ = to have سُكُوْن at the end of the word. for example

يَضْرِبُ = he hit
لَمْ يَضْرِبْ = he did not hit . لم act as an agent of جزم

All اسم can be in the state of خفض , نصب , رفع but not جزم

All فعل can be in the state of جزم , نصب, رفع but not خفض

To be continue إن شاء الله

Thursday, July 2, 2015

010 Kalaam part 8

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وآله وصحبه أجمعين أما بعد

بارك الله لي ولشيخنا أبو سليمان ولكم. زادنا الله علما 
May Allah bless me and my teacher Abu Sulaiman and all of you. May Allah increase our knowledge

And أَمْر ( The command verb ) is known:-

1. with it sign upon the command or request

One of the common sign for أمر is the end of the verb is a الساكنة. Take note that أمر is use when we are talking or commanding or requesting to a 2nd person . For example:-

قُمْ ( stand up/ please stand up ) from the verb يَقُوْمُ ( he stands)
اِضْرِبْ ( hit/ hit it ) from the verb يَضْرِبُ ( he hits )
اِجْلِسْ ( seat/ have a seat) from the verb يَجْلِسُ ( he sits )

2. and the end of it is يَاء المُخَاطَبَة . This letter ي and the end of الأمر is to signify that the command are meant for a feminine person

ْقال زيد إلى ابنه: قُم
Zaid said to his son: Stand up

قال زيد إلى بنته: قُوْمِيْ
Zaid said to his daughter: Stand up

قالت فاطمة إلى زيد: اِضْرِبْ الحَيَّةَ
Fatimah said to Zaid: Hit the snake

قالت فاطمة إلى عائشة: اِضْرِبِيْ الحيَّة
Fatimah said to Aishah: Hit the snake

Take note that even though الأمر for feminine ends with ي, but the ي  is still a الساكنة . Thus the point number 1 above still apply here.

3. And there is also جَامِد form of الأمر for example

هَاتِ = give me
هَاتِ رَقْمَكَ
Give me your number

َتَعَال = come here
تَعَالَ يا بُنَيَّ 
come here oh my beloved son

Take note that this form is an exception form point number 1. The end of the verb is not الساكنة 

الحَرْفُ : What is not suitable with the sign of الاسم and the sign of الفعل  like ْلَمْ , فِي and هَلْ  . In other words, if a word  is not an اسم nor  a فعل, it will be from the group of حرف

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

009 Kalaam part 7

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وآله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد

بارك الله لي ولشيخنا ولكم

 And مُضَارِع is know when:-

1. The joining of لَمْ  in front of it. لَمْ  is use for negation and it means "did not". Thus when it enter a present tense verb, it changes the verb to past tense verb. for example
يَقُوْمُ = he stands 
لَمْ يَقُمْ = he did not stand

2. It must be preceded with these letters ي , ت , ن , أ  . To remember this we can use this mnemonic :-

3. The first letter is ضَمَّة when the ماض is 4 letter verb for example ( the red color word is ماض )
دَحْرَجَ يُدَحْرجُ = to roll
أَكْرَمَ يُكْرِمُ = to honour
فَرَّخَ يُفَرِّجُ = to rejoice
قَاتَلَ يُقَاتِلُ = combat/battle

4. The first letter is فَتْحَة when the ماض is other then 4 letters verb for example ( the red color word is ماض  ):

3 letters ماض
نَصَرَ يَنْصُرُ = to help

5 letters ماض
اِنْطَلَقَ تَنْطَلِقُ = to depart

6 letters ماض
اِسْتَخْرَجَ يَسْتَخْرِجُ =  to discover

Monday, June 29, 2015

008 Kalam part 6

And there is 3 type of فعل . As shown in above diagram.

And for every type of verb the are 2 kinds of structure. The first type of structure is called الجَامِد which means fixed. The second type of structure is called المُتَصَرِّف

قال شيجنا أبو سليمان: تُقْسَمُ الفِعْلُ إلى جَامِدِ ومُتَصَرِّفِ
My teacher Abu Sulaiman said that: الفعل is divided to الجامد and المتصرف

فعل الجامد مثلا : نِعْمَ , بِئْسَ , عَسَى , لَيْسَ 
The example of الجامد ( stated above). 

فعل المتصرف مثلا : ضَرَبَ يَضْرِبُ ضَرْباً
The example of المتصرف ( stated above)

end quote

The meaning of جامد is that the verb only available in one form. If it available in الماض for example, it only available in الماض and can't be found in المضارع and الأمر and you can't derive a المَصْدَر ( verbal noun or gerund ) from it

الماض : Is known with 

1. تاء التأنيث الساكنة for example
قَامَتْ = she stood up
قَعَدَتْ = she sat

2. these فعل جامد 
نِعْمَ = the best of
نِعْمَ الصديقُ الكتابُ = The best of friend is the book

بِئْسَ = the worst of
بئس الخُلُقُ الخِيَانَةُ = The worst of characteristic is betrayal

لَيْسَ = not
ليس النَجَاحُ سَهْلاُ = The success is not easy

عَسَى = may
عسى رَبُّكم يَرْحَمَكم = May your lord be please with you

To be continue إن شاء الله

007 Kalaam part 5

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين. أما بعد:
In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful. Prayer and Salaam to our Prophet Muhammad and his family and all of his companions

بارك الله لي ,لشيخنا ولكم في هذا الدرس
May Allah bless me, our teacher and all of you in this lesson

This is the continuation from the previous lesson ( ), The sign of الفِعْل ...

1. in front of it has قد

2. it is prefix with the letter س

the letter س is to show that the فعل is a future tense. For example

I go

I will go

3. in front of it has سَوْفَ
the word سَوْفَ is also use to show that a فعل is a future tense tense but the action will be done later then the فعل with س. For example

قالت امرأته إليه: يا أبا زيد اشتر السكر لنا
Said his wife to him: Ya Aba Zaid, go and buy us the sugar

لو كان أبو زيد رجل مثالي فيقول : حسنا, سَأَذْهَبُ الآن
If Abu Zaid is an "ideal" husband he will say: O.K, I will go now

لو كان أبو زيد رجل كسلان فيقول: سَوْفَ أَذْهَبُ بعد هذه اللعبة
If Abu Zaid is an "lazy" husband he will say: I will go after this game

إذاً هل ذوالسِيْنِيّ أو ذوالسَوْفِيّ أنت؟
So are you a س person or a سوف person?  ;)

4. if it is suffix with a تْ . This is called تَاء التَأْنِيْثِ السَاكِنَة ( The ت of feminine with the sign of السُكُوْن )
This تْ is to show that the doer is a female. For example

دَرَسَ = he learned 

دَرَسَتْ = she learned 

To be continue إن شاء الله

Saturday, June 27, 2015

006 Kalaam part 4

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم. الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام علي نبينا محمد وعلى آله ووصحبه أخمعين. أما بعد
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful. Prayer and Salam to for our Prophet Muhammad and his family and all of his companions.

بارك الله لي ولشيجنا أبي سليمان ولكم في دروس اللغة العربية
May Allah bless me and our teacher Abu Sulaiman and all of you in the lessons of Arabic

For the previous lessons ( 004 Kaalam part2 & 005 Kalaam Part3 ) we have learn the sign of اسم . And now we are going to dive into the sign of فعل

And الفعل : is known when front of it has قَدْ 
The are multiple usage of  قَدْ . For example
When قَدْ is in front of the الفِعْلُ المَاضٍ ( past tense verb ) it means  حَرْفُ التَحْقِيق  ( the letter of affirmation ) . For example:-

قد سَافَرَ زُهِيْر  ( Zuhir really traveled )

When قَدْ is in front of the الفِعْلُ المُضَارِع ( present or future tense verb ) it means حَرْفُ التَقْليل  ( the letter of probability ) . For example:-

قد يُسَافِرُ خَالِدٌ ( Khalid might travel )

To be continue إن شاء الله